Governor Inslee Signs Bill forming BORPLES as a separate State Agency
Ken Fuller, P.E.
On May 21st, 2019 Governor Jay Inslee signed HB 1176 into law, which is the vehicle for BORPLES to become an independent Washington State agency. This bill was supported by the three professions regulated thru the State Board; Onsite Waste Water professionals, Professional Land Surveyors, and Professional Engineers.
The process was an eye opening and positive learning experience which highlighted the strength in solidatrity of our professions and continued believe in our legislative process. The success of this bill was based on four strong segments of support. One, the sponsorship and mentorship of Senator Kevin VanDeWege and the support of both chambers of our legislation; Two, the advice of the Department of Licensing, through the leadership of Director Teresa Berntsen; Three, the strong grass root support of the professional associations and licensees; Finally, the unwavering confidence and direction of the BORPELS board members.
This the beginning of a new era in Washington State for the regulation of our professions. The transition of BORPLES into small agency status is in the planning process with a working team from the Department of Licensing and the Board. Minimizing the functional impact to our professions and public is paramount as we move through the process.